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Movie Quotes

The Ring Quote(s)

Quote: (The ring two)
Rachel Keller: It's always open... Her way out is always open.
Quote: (The ring two)
Evelyn: It was you! You did it!
Rachel Keller: What did I do?
Evelyn: You let the dead get in.
Quote: (This is from the ring two)
Evelyn: They don't dream, you know. The dead don't dream, and the dead never sleep. They wait, they watch for a way to get back. My baby told me to, just like your's will tell you, and you have to do it. You have to send it back. They stopped me. Don't let them stop you. You have to listen to the voices. You know what they did? They let the dead get in. They let the dead get in.

Quote: Here we go, the world is spinning. When it stops, it's just beginning. Sun comes up, we laugh and we cry. Sun goes down, and then we all die.
Quote: Here we go, the world is spinning. When it stops, it's just beginning. Sun comes up, we laugh and we cry. Sun goes down, and then we all die.
Quote: Here we go, the world is spinning. When it stops, it's just beginning. Sun comes up, we laugh and we cry. Sun goes down, and then we all die.
Quote: Aidan Keller: What happened to the girl?
Rachel Keller: Samara?
Aidan Keller: Is that her name?
Rachel Keller: Mm-hmm.
Aidan Keller: Is she still in the dark place?
Rachel Keller: No. We set her free.
Aidan Keller: You helped her?
Rachel Keller: Yeah.
Aidan Keller: Why did you do that?
Rachel Keller: What's wrong, honey?
Aidan Keller: You weren't supposed to help her.
Rachel Keller: Don't worry she is not going to hurt you anymore
Aidan Keller: [to Rachel] Don't you understand, Rachel?
[his nose starts bleeding]
Aidan Keller: She never sleeps.
Quote: she never sleeps
Quote: See when you live on an Island and you catch a cold, it's everyones cold.
Quote: Not daddi daddi lvs da horses
Quote: Don't you understand Rachel? She never sleeps...
Quote: she never sleeps
Quote: Dr. Grasnik: See, when you live on an island you catch a cold, it's everybody's cold.
Rachel Keller: No offense, ma'am, but what the hell does that mean?
Dr. Grasnik: It means ever since that girl's been gone, things have been better.
Quote: Samara Morgan: [Singing by the well] : Here we go, the world is spinning. When it stops, it's just beginning. Sun comes up, we all laugh. Sun goes down, we all die...
Quote: Anna Morgan: All I ever wanted was you...
Quote: Becca: You start to play it and it's like somebody's nightmare. And then this woman comes on, smiling at you, right? Seeing you...through the screen. Then when it's over, your phone rings, someone knows you watched the tape...and what they say is, You will die in seven days.

Quote: Rachel Keller: What did you do to her? She was your daughter! You killed Samara, didn't you? You killed her and when your wife found out-
Richard Morgan: My wife was not supposed to have a child!
Quote: Rachel Keller: She wanted that child more than anything in the world. How could she have done that...? She just wanted to be heard. Sometimes children yell, or cry... or draw pictures...
Quote: Noah: [after watching the tape] That was very student film.
Quote: Richard Morgan: What is it with reporters? You take one person's tragedy and force the world to experience it... spread it like sickness
Quote: Harvey: You're fired.
Rachel Keller: No, I'm not.
Harvey: Yes, you are.
Rachel Keller: No, I'm not! I'm cooking too good a story.

Quote: Noah: I can't imagine being stuck down a well all alone like that. How long could you survive?
Rachel Keller: Seven days.
Quote: Library Clerk: 1978. Man, we're really going back in time, here.
Noah: Yeah, lady at reception said it should still be here.
Library Clerk: Should be. You say you're the patient's father, right?
Noah: Yep, Richard Morgan, that's me.
Library Clerk: What is your secret?
Noah: Diet and exercise, man.
Library Clerk: No shit...
Noah: Yeah, that's all it takes.
Library Clerk: You know, I'm not an idiot. You try and walk out of here with my file, and I'll be on you like white on rice, you understand?

Quote: Ruth: I spent four hours on the internet and I couldn't find one single case of a 16-year-old girl's heart just stopping. I spoke to three different doctors and not one of them could tell me exactly what happened to my daughter.

Quote: Katie: Becca, quit being a bitch!
Quote: Rachel Keller: Would you say that I'm gullible?
Noah: No.
Rachel Keller: Easily rattled?
Noah: Definitely not. I mean, you're a little highly strung maybe
Quote: Rachel Keller: Katie told you she was going to die?
Aidan Keller: She said she didn't have enough time.
Quote: Innkeeper: This is your card, right?
Rachel Keller: That's it.
Quote: Rachel Keller: He watched the tape.
Noah: Who? who watched it?
Rachel Keller: Our son

Quote: Rachel Keller: Honey, the house you drew for me...
Aidan Keller: Uh huh.
Rachel Keller: Where did you see it? Did you see it in your head? Is that why you drew it?
Aidan Keller: In my head?
Rachel Keller: Aidan, why did you draw that house?
Aidan Keller: `Cause she told me to.
Rachel Keller: Who? Who told you to?
Aidan Keller: The little girl.
Rachel Keller: She talks to you?
Aidan Keller: No, she shows me things.
Rachel Keller: Did she show you the horses?
Aidan Keller: She doesn't like it in the barn. The horses keep her up at night.
Rachel Keller: So she still lives there?
Aidan Keller: No, she lives in a dark place now.

Quote: Aidan Keller: [to Rachel] Don't you understand, Rachel?
[his nose starts bleeding]
Aidan Keller: She never sleeps.
Quote: Rachel Keller: I think before you die, you see the ring...
Quote: Aidan Keller: What happened to the girl?
Rachel Keller: Samara?
Aidan Keller: Is that her name?
Rachel Keller: Mm-hmm.
Aidan Keller: Is she still in the dark place?
Rachel Keller: No. We set her free.
Aidan Keller: You helped her?
Rachel Keller: Yeah.
Aidan Keller: Why did you do that?
Rachel Keller: What's wrong, honey?
Aidan Keller: You weren't supposed to help her.
Quote: Dr. Scott: You don't want to hurt anyone.
Samara Morgan: But I do, and I'm sorry.
Quote: Samara Morgan: Everyone will suffer.
Quote: OH HI MOM
Quote: here we go the world is spinning when it stops its just begining
Quote: NOOOO WHY baby why i couldnt sleep
Quote: But he doesn't know....
Quote: (1) 1978, we`re going way back! So you say you`re the patient`s father?
(2) Yep, Richard Morgan that`s me.
(1) Man what is your secret?
(1)Diet and exercise man! That`s all it takes!
(2)No shit...You know, I`m not an idiot.
Quote: Samara: I don't...make them.....I....see them...and then ....they just...Are.
Quote: All I ever wanted was you
Quote: I'll be all over you like white on rice
Quote: I saw her face.
Quote: 1) Do you wish I was around more? 2) No, do you want to be around more?
Quote: It's either really early or really late, depending on how you look at it.
Quote: She doesn't like the barn. The horses keep her up at night.
Quote: You were all I ever wanted....
Quote: But I do...I'm sorry. It won't stop.
Quote: everyone will suffer
Quote: you helped her? why did you do that?
Quote: (singing): Here we go, the world is spinning. When it stops, it's just beginning. Sun comes up, we laugh and we cry. Sun goes down, and then we all die.
Quote: Psychiatrist: You're daddy loves you samara

Samara: (evil glare) daddy loves the HORSES
Quote: Psychiatrist: You dont wanna hurt anyone Samara..do you?
Samara: But I do...and Im sorry.
Quote: mmm.... beef its whats for dinner
Quote: Before you die, you see the ring
Quote: Here we go, the world is spinning. When it stops, it's just beginning. Sun comes up, we all laugh. Sun goes down, we all die
Quote: (1)You're going to be okay. (2)But what about the person we show this to?
Quote: Becca! Quit being a bitch! Where's the remote?
Quote: Have you heard about this new videotape that kills you when you watch it?
Quote: (1)I've seen 'em before. I've been up there. (2)Nice try. The record rooms are downstairs, guy. (1)You win. (1)breaks into door leading downstairs) Jerk off.
Quote: no, i saw the body
Quote: my wife was not supposed to have a child!
Quote: 1.How long could you survive down there? 2.Seven days.
Quote: leave him alone!
Quote: Before you die, you see the ring...
Quote: You see the ring before you die.
Quote: What is it with you reporters? You take an others tragedy and force the whole world to experience it. You spread it like a sickness.

Quote: Don't you understand Rachel? You're not supposed to help her. She never sleeps.
Quote: Katie:Becca quit being a bitch

Quote: Katie:becca quit being a bitch

Quote: She wanted that child more than anything in the world. How could she have done that...? She just wanted to be heard. Sometimes children yell, or cry... or draw pictures...

Quote: Don't you understand? She doesn't sleep.
Quote: Seven Days....
Quote: She lives in a dark place.
Quote: 7 days!

The quotes above are distinct quotations from the associated movie.

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