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Movie Quotes

The Exorcist Quote(s)

Quote: shes already seen every f------ psychiatrist in the world
Quote: Well, the first thing I'd do is put them into a time machine and send them back to the sixteenth century.
Quote: your mother still rots in hell
Quote: The sow is mine!
Quote: What an excellent day for a verp!
Quote: College presidents shouldn't drink. Tends to set a bad example.
Quote: Nobody knows the causes of hypekinetic behavior in a child. The Ritalin seems to work to relieve the condition.
Quote: You know, we never finished seeing all the sights in Washington.
Quote: If you want to effect any change, you have to do it within the system.
Quote: Bloody demon butchering Nazi pig!
Quote: Evil against evil.
Quote: There are no experts.
Quote: To do that, I'd have to send the girl back to the sixteenth century.
Quote: [doctors got Regan under control but she resists]
Chris: Regan, they're going to help you. Now hold still.
[the doctor injects her with sedative, Regan spits at his face]
Regan: You fuckin' BASTARD!
Quote: [to Merrin]
Regan: Stick your cock up her ass, you motherfucking, worthless COCKSUCKER.
Father Merrin:[sprinkles holy water on Regan to make her suffer]BE SILENT!
Regan:[demonically crying in bed]
Quote: If that's true, then you must know my mother's maiden name...What is it?...What is it?
Quote: Captain Howdy, that isn't very nice.
Quote: Do people tell you that you look like Paul Newman?
Quote: Keep away! The sow is mine!
Quote: hello im sally sue, and i FUCK-COCK-PUSSY-FUCK-SHIT, thats my terets*i no its the rong movie but whatever :-P
Quote: Your mother sucks cokcs in hell, Karras, you faithless slime!
Quote: Let Jesus fuck you, let Jesus fuck you! Let him fuck you!
Quote: Tubular Bells.
Quote: Be Silent!
Quote: It would be a vulgar display of Power
Quote: What an excellent day for a griddling.
Quote: Nowonmai.
Quote: What an excellent day for a pedicure.
Quote: I'm not Regan, I'm EPITITOM!
Biscuit head beyotch
Quote: Why you do this to me Epititom? Why Epititom WHY?
Quote: red rum

Quote: They're going to die up there.
Quote: The power of christ compels you.
Quote: you know what she did...your cunting daughter?!
Quote: Chris: What did she say?
Dr. Klein: Well, her vocabulary is rather extensive.
Chris: I mean specifically, what did she say?
Dr. Klein: Well, specifically, Mrs. MacNeil, she advised me to keep my fingers away from her god damn cunt.
Quote: The power of Christ compels you. The power of Christ compels you.
The power of Christ compels you. The power of Christ compels you.

Quote: 1) Stick your cock up her ass! You mother fucking, worthless

Be silent!

Our Father who art in heaven...

Quote: 1) I told Regan that was holy water, I sprinkled some on her and she
reacted very violently. It's tap water.

What's the difference?

Holy water's blessed. And that doesn't help support a case for

Quote: 1) I cast you out!!! Unclean spirit...!

Shove it up your ass you faggot!

Quote: 1) How long are you planning to stay in Regan?

Until she rots and lie stinking in the earth.

What's that?

Holy water.

You keep it away.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhh! It burns! Ohhhh! It burns!

Quote: You show me Regan's double: same face, same voice, same
everything. I'd know it wasn't Regan. I'd know in my gut and I'm
telling you that that thing upstairs isn't my daughter! And I
want you to tell me that you know for a fact that there's nothing
wrong with my daughter except in her mind! You tell me you know
for a fact that an exorcism wouldn't do any good! You tell me

Quote: 1) Hello Regan. I'm a friend of your mother, I'd like to help you.

You might loosen the straps then.

I'm affraid you might hurt yourself Regan.

I'm not Regan.

Quote: 1) If a person was possessed by a demon of some kind, how do you go
about getting an exorcism?

Well, the first thing I'd do is put them into a time macine and
send them back to the sixteenth century.

I didn't get you?

Well it just doesn't happen anymore Mrs. MacNeil.

Quote: Do you know what she did, your cunting daughter?

Quote: Lick me! Lick me!

Quote: You're telling me that, I should take my daughter to a witch
doctor? Is that it?

Quote: Look, I'm telling you again and you'd better believe it, I'm not
about to put her in a goddamn asylum!

Quote: There seems to be an alien pubic hair in my drink. Never seen it before in my life, have you?
Quote: Hey, come on! We're all concerned with human rights,for God's sake. But the kids who wanna get an education have a right, too! Wait, hold it, don't you understand? It's against your own principles for God's sake! You can't, you cant accomplish anything by shutting kids out of their school. Hold it! Hold it! If you want to effect any change, you have to do it within the system.
Quote: shove it up your ass you faggit
Quote: There haven't been more than a hundred authentic cases of so-called
split personality, Mrs. MacNeil. Now, I know the temption is to leap
to psychiatry. But any reasonable psychiatrist would exhaust the
somatic possibilities first.
Quote: Pathological states can induce abnormal strength. Accelerated motor
performance. Now, for example, say a ninety pound woman sees her child pinned under the wheel of a truck, runs out and lifts the wheels a half-a-foot up off the ground. You've heard the story, same thing here. Same principle, I mean.
Quote: Your mother sucks cock's in hell
Quote: Answer the question, Father Paranoia
Quote: By this sign of the Holy Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with the Fater and the holy spirit.

Quote: Your Mother sucks cocks in hell Karras you faithless slime!
Quote: 1:Im the devil now un loosen these straps!
Quote: Why you do this to me Dimmie, why!!!!
Quote: Make it stop Mommy make it stop!
Quote: Father Karras,it's my little girl.
Quote: Your mother's in here with us,Karras.Would you like to leave a message? I'll see that she gets it.
Quote: Mommy what's wrong with me?
Quote: Your mother sucks cocks in hell you faithless slime!
Quote: I am no one
Quote: Stick your cock up her ass you motherfucking worthless cocksucker! (be silent)
Quote: And I'm the devil! Now kindly undo these straps!
Quote: You will die up there
Quote: How long do you plan to stay in Regan? Until She lies stinking in the earth...what's that? Holy Water. You keep it away! AH! IT BURNS! IT BURNS!
Quote: The Power Of Christ Compels You
Quote: Stick your cock up her ass you mother fucking worthless cocksucker!
Quote: Let Jesus fuck you, let Jesus fuck you, let him fuck you!!!
Quote: Let Jesus fuck you, let Jesus fuck you, let him fuck you!!!
Quote: Let Jesus fuck you, let Jesus fuck you
Quote: Jesus Christ,88 doctors and all you can tell me is more of your bullshit!
Quote: f*ck me! f*ck me! f*ck me!
Quote: I cast you out,unclean spirit!! In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!!
Quote: I am no one! I am no one! He is a priest!
Quote: I'd know it in my gut and I'm telling you that that thing upstairs isn't my daughter!
Quote: Do you know what she did, your cunting daughter?
Quote: Faddah,can you help an old altar boy? I'm a Chatholic!
Quote: Dimmy! Why you do this to me Dimmy? Please Dimmy, I'm afraid!
Quote: mother: She doesn't remember any of it. / father: That's good.
Quote: Oh not a psychiatrist she needs a priest! She's already seen every fucking psychiatrist in the world and they sent me to you now you're gonna send me back to them?!?! Jesus Christ won't somebody help her?!?!
Quote: OOOOOOOhh, it burns!
Quote: Shove it up your ass,you faggot!
Quote: Your mother sucks cocks in hell!!
Quote: And I'm the devil! Now kindly undo these straps!
Quote: Stick your cock up her ass,you mother fucking worthless cocksucker!
Quote: fuck me, Jesus
Quote: 1:(kicking and screaming)I don't want it! 2:Oh Regan! Honey it's to help you! 2:I DON'T WANT IT! 2:Hold still, baby! 1:(has needle jammed into her arm,spits in doctor's face)You fucking bastard!
Quote: Oh what are you talking about for Christ sake! Did you see her or not?! She's acting like a fucking out of her mind psychotic or split personality or....

The quotes above are distinct quotations from the associated movie.

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