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Movie Quotes

Scream Quote(s)

Quote: I heard they put the liver in the mail box next to the splein and the pancreas
Quote: I didn't forget the safty that time you bastard.
Quote: Tatum: If you pee I pee
Quote: Gale: I've got an ending for you. The reporter left for dead in the news van, comes to. Stumples on you two dipshits, finds the gun, foils your plan, and saves the day.
Quote: Gale: I've got an ending for you. The reporter left for dead in the news van, comes to. Stumples on you two dipshits, finds the gun, foils your plan, and saves the day.
Quote: Stu: So what're you saying, that I killed her?
Randy: It certainly would improve your high school 'Q'
Tatum: Stu was with me last night, k?
Stu: Yeah, I was..
Randy: Before or after he sliced and diced!
Quote: (RANDY) Did you really put her liver in the mailbox, cause I heard they found her liver in the mailbox, next to her spleen and pancreas
Quote: You Have To Follow The Rules To Successfully Survive A Horror Movie One You Can Never Have Sex...Virgins Never Die...Two You Can't Have Beer Its The Sin Factor An Extention Of Number One...And Three Never Say I'll Be Right Back Cause You Won't Be Back
Quote: See, the police are always off track with this shit! If they watched Prom Night they'd save time! There's a formula to it, a very simple formula! Everybody's a suspect!!!

Quote: Eyes gouged out, fingers cut off, teeth knocked out!!
Quote: I have never been so happy to be a virgin
Quote: Bitch you bitch where the fuck are you
Quote: Stue My mom and dad are gonna be so mad at me.
Quote: gale: okay i think its gonna go something like this just stay with me. hi this is gale weathers with an exclusive eyewitness account of this amazing breaking story. several more local teens are dead.... bringing to the end of a horror mystery of the mass killing that has terrified this peaeful community like the plot of some scary movie. it all began with a scream over 9-1-1 that ended in a bloodbath that has rocked the town of woodsboro. all played out here in this peaceful farm house far from crimes and the sirens of larger cities that its residents fled. okay lets take it back to 1. come on move it. this is my bid shot. lets go
credits begin
Quote: this is the moment when the supposably dead killer comes back to life for one last scare.
Quote: gale: guess i remembered the saftey that time you bastered!
Quote: stu: i always had a thing for you syd!
Quote: syd: ah stu stu stu, what's your motive? billy's got one the police are on their way. what are you gonna tell them? stu: peer pressure im far too sensative.
Quote: i cant billy. i thinkyou cut me too deep i think im dying here man.
Quote: syd: you'll never get away with this. billy: on no? tell that to cotton weary. you wouldnt beleive how easy he was to frame. stu: watch a few movies take a few notes, it was fun!
Quote: what's the matter sydney you look like you've seen a ghost!
Quote: mmmm. corn syrup. the same stuff they used as pigs blood in carrie.
Quote: hello! help me! im at stu macher's house on turner lane. its 261 turner lane. please he's gonna try and kill me!
Quote: billy: you still dont think its me do u? syd: no no. i was just thinking if it was you it would be clever way throw me off track. you know to use your one phone call to call me so i wouldnt think it was you. that is all.
Quote: gale: so is dewey your real name? dewey: no its dwight. gale: well what about gale weathers? it sounds like im a meteorologist or something. people treat me like im the antichrist of television journalism. dewey: i dont think your that bad. gale: no? i think thats just cause u kinda like me.
Quote: they found principle himbry dead. he was gutted and hung on the goal post in the football field.
Quote: randy: #3 never ever under any circumstances do you ever say ill be right back cause you wont be back. stu: im getting another beer u want one? randy: ya sure stu: ill be right back!
Quote: there are certain rules one must abide by to succesfully survive a horror movie.
Quote: gale: i've got an ending for u. the reporter left for dead in the news van comes to. stumbles on to you 2 dipshits. finds the gun foils your plan and saves the day.
syd: i like that ending.
Quote: billy: syd dont blame the movies. the movies dont create psychos, movies make psychos mre creative. stu: oh stop it billy would you? alright? i cant take it anymore. im feeling a little woozy here!
Quote: stu: come on syd, you think about it huh? your dadys the shief suspect we cloned his cellular. evidence is all right there baby!
billy: what if your father snapped? your mothers anniversary set him off and he went on a killing spree killing everyone.
stu: except for me and billy we were left for dead. billy: and then he kills you and shoots himself in the head. perfect ending.
stu: i thought of that.
Quote: you know what time it is syd? its after midnight. its you moms anniversary we killed her exactly one year ago today.
Quote: jamie was always the virgin in the horror movies. she never showed her tits until she went legits.
Quote: billy: maternal abandonment causes serious deviant behaivor. it certainly fucked you up. it caused u to have sex with a psycopath.
Quote: billy: ya it does. hm.... its like jodie foster in silence of the lambs when she keeps having flashbacks of her dead father. syd: but this is life. its not a movie. billy: sure it is syd. its all just one big movie. only you cant pick your genre.
Quote: syd: ya i know but your right. enough is enough. i cant wallow in the grief process forever and i cant keep lying to myself about who my mother was. ya i think im really scared that i am gonna turn out just like her you know? like the bad seed or something and i know it doesnt make any sense.
Quote: billy: is taht motive enough for you? how about this? your slut mother was fucking my father. and shes the reason my mom moved out and abandoned me. hows that for a motive?
Quote: lose the costume if sidney sees it she'll flip. oh you wanna play psycho killer? can i be the helpless victim? okay lets see, oh no mr. ghost face dont kill me i want to be in the sequal.
Quote: billy: we did your mother a favor. that woman was a slut bag whore who flashed her shit all over town like she wa sharon stone or something. ya we put her out of her misery. stu: cause lets face it your mother was no sharon stone hmmm?
Quote: stu: hey tate grab another beer will ya? theres beer in the garage.
tatum: what am i the beer wench?
Quote: syd: the fog, terror train, prom night. how come jamie lee curtis is in all of there movies? randy: she's the scream queen! stu: ya with a set of lungs like that she should be.
Quote: billy: you hear that stu? i think she wants a motive. i dont really believes in motives syd. did norman bates have a motive? stu: NO billy: did they ever really decide why hannibal lextor liked to eat people? i dont think so! its alot scarier when there is no motive syd.
Quote: ya but he has been so patient with all the sex stuff. how many guys would put up with a girlfriend who is sexually anorexic?
Quote: randy: there's always some stupid bull shit reason to kill your girlfriend. that's the beauty of it all, simplicity. besides if you get too congusing you lose your target audience.
Quote: randy: now that's in bad taste. stu: what? randy: if you were the only suspect in a senseless bloodbath would you be standing in the horror section.
Quote: syd: you know if i was wrong about cotton weary the killer's still on the loose. tatum: dont go there syd. your staring to sound like some wes carpenter slick or something. dont freak yourself out we got a long night in front of us. okay? lets boogie
Quote: we had a run in the mass murder section
Quote: kizzo kaskcoo is out. i dont know what u did sydney but on behalf of the entire school we all say THANK YOU!
Quote: P.A.: i need your attention now kids. due to the rexent events that have just ocurred effective immediately classes will be suspended until further notice. the woodsboro police department has issued a city wide curfew begging at 9:00 tonight.
Quote: you know in a demographic study i prove to be most popular in males 11-24. i guess i just missed you. of course you dont look a day older than 12. except in that upper torso area.
Quote: mr. himbry: you make me sick. your entire havok enducing thieving whorring generation disgusts me. so 2 of your fellow students were just savagely murdered and this is the way you show your sompassion and sensitivity. huh? let me tell you womthing... your both expelled GET OUT! kid: come on mr. himbry that's not fair.
mr. himbry: your avsolutely right. its not fair. fairness would be to rip your insides out. hang u from a tree so we can expose you for the heartless desensitized little shits that you are.
Quote: syd: havent seen billy around. is he really pissed? stu: oh u mean after you branded him the canyman? his heart is broken. tatum: STU!
stu: OWWW! syd: why are they doing this? stu: are you kiddin me this place is like christmas. tatum: STUPIDITY LEAK!!!!
Quote: gale: excuse me is that sydney prescott they took away? tatum: im not talking to u. gale: what happened to her? i heard something about a costume is that true? can u tell me anything? tatum: ya your a real pain in the ass. and leave syd alone!
Quote: gale: jesus the camera hury! kenny: my name's not jesus.
Quote: scary night isnt it? with all the murders and all its like just out of a horror movie or something.
Quote: tell me something did you really put her liver in the mailbox? cause i heard that they gound her liver in the mailbox next to her spleen and her pancreas.
Quote: syd: oh so you thought you would climb through my window and have a little raw footage? billy: No! i wouldnt dream of breaking your underwear rule.
Quote: dad: my flight leaves in the morning. now the wxpo runs all weekend so i wont be back till sunday. there's cash on the table and i am staying.. syd: at the Hilton dad: out at the airport so call... syd: if i need anything dad: i could have sworn i heard screaming syd: have a good trip okay?
Quote: you should never say who's there dont u watch scary movies? its a death wish! you might as well come out and investigate a strange noise or somthing!
Quote: casey: listen i am two seconds away from calling the police. killer: they'd never make it in time we're in the middle of nowhere.
Quote: killer: Don't hang up on me! (she hangs up and then the phone rings again) killer: i told u not to hang up on me!
Quote: casey: who is this?
voice: you tell me your name i'll tell you mine.
Quote: cause of my boyish good looks muscle mass has increased my acceptance as a serious police officer
Quote: think about it her mothers death left her disturbed and hostile in a cruel and inhumane world. she'd delusiononal where's god etc. shes completley suicidal. one day she snaps and wants to kill herself but finds out that teen suicide is out this year and homicide is a more heathyier theraputic expression.
Quote: syd: im sorry please understand billy: understand what? that i have a girlfriend who would reahter accuse me of being a psychopathic killer reather than touch me.
Quote: nice welt sweetie
Quote: gale: your mother's murder was last year's hottest court case. someone was goin to write a book about it. syd: right, but it had to be you with all your lies and bullshit theories. gale: what is your problem? you got what you wanted. cotton weary is in jail they're gonna gas him. a book's not gonna change that.
Quote: so how does it feel to be almost brutally butchered? we have a right to know. how does it feel?
Quote: poor billy boyfriend an innocent guy doesnt stand a chance with you. looks like you fingered the wrong guy again.
Quote: God i loved it! i'll send you a copy BAM BITCH WENT DOWN! i'll send you acopy BAM SYD SUPER BITCH! you are so cool!
Quote: they sell this costume in every five and dime in the state. there is no way we can track the puchase.
Quote: syd: can you see me now? killer: uh-huh. syd: ah-hah. ok what am i doing huh? what am i doing? hello? nice rey randy tell tatum to hurry up okay, bye now. killer: if you hang up on me you'll die just like your mother. do you want to die sydney? your mother sure didn't. syd: FUCK YOU you cretin.
Quote: killer: are you alone in the house? syd: randy that's so unoriginal i'm so disappointed in you killer: maybe that's because i'm not randy
syd: so who are you? killer: the question isnt who am i it's where am i
Quote: killer: what's your favorite movie syd? syd: come on you know i dont watch that shit. killer: why not? too scared? syd: no no, what's the point they are all the same. some stupid killer stalking some big breasted girl that cant act when she is running up the steps when she should be going out the front door IT's INSULTING!
Quote: the towns in shock and nobody can quite beleive what has happened here although this is not the first time this small community of Woodsboro has endured such tragedy. only a year ago Maureen prescott, wife and mother was found raped and murdered not far from this peaceful toun square.
Quote: syd has her own bubble but boyfriend billy
Quote: she's getting mad alright? you better liver alone. Liver Alone! liv-owww! liver liver it was a joke.
Quote: syd: how do you....gut someone? stu: you take a knife and you slit them from groin to sternum. billy: hey it's called tact you fuckrag.
Quote: tatum: they didnt ask me if i liked to hint. stu: that's cause there is no way a girl could've killed them. tatum: that is so sexist. the killer could easily be a female, Basic Extinct.
Quote: dewey was saying this is the wort crime they've seen in years even worst then.......... well it's bad
Quote: you don't know? casey becker and steve orth were killed last night. were not just talking killed were talking splatter movie killed. ripped open from end to end.
Quote: woodsboro, california was devastated last night when two young teenagers were found brutally murdered. authorities have yet to issue a statement but our sources tell us that no arrests are yet to be made and the murderer could strike again.
Quote: what's your favorite scary movie?
Quote: its the millenium motives are incidental
Quote: billy: i was home watchin television the exercist was on it got me thinking of you. syd: it did billy: ya it was edited for TV all the good stuff was cut out and it got me thinking of us. how 2 years ago we starte off hot and heavy nice solid R rating on our way to an NC-17 and now.... things have changed and lately were just edited for television.
Quote: i only eat popcorn at the movies
Quote: we're gonna play a little game its called GUESS HOW YOUR GONNA DIE!
Quote: your gonna love this. its a scream baby. ill be rigth back.
Quote: they've got 900 numbers for that
Quote: number one u can never have sex
Quote: scream:ill give you a warm up question. who is the killer in friday the 13th
casey:jason jason! scream: sorry thats the wrong answer casey: no no its jason. scream: im afraid not no way casey: listen i saw that movie 20 god damn times its jason scream: then you should know the original killer was jason's mother mrs. vorhees
Quote: you get the answer wrong you die you get the answer right you die
Quote: we all go a little mad sometimes
Quote: he's big and he plays football and he'll kick the shit out of you
Quote: not you fred
Quote: ummm.. halloween you know the one with the guy in the white mask who walks around and stalks babysitser
Quote: no you listen you little bitch you hang up on me agian and i'll gut you like a fish you understand.... ya casey: is this some kinda joke? scream: more of a game really. can you handle that...... Blondy
Quote: dling dling,
ph:wat is ur name?
ph:i wanna no who i'm looking at
ph:i said i wanna no who im talking to
G:thats not wat u said
ph:he he he he, sure it is
ph:i wanna c ur insides
G:You better leave me alone or my boyfriend will kick the shizit out of you
pv:His name wouldn't be steave would it;)
G:How did u no his name was steave?:|
ph:turn on the porch light
Quote: and let's face it Syd your mom was know Sharon Stone!
Quote: Liver her alone
Quote: Movies don't create psychos. Movies just make psychos more creative
Quote: SYd says to Billy:You pansy ass mama's boy!
Quote: You're not going to pee alone anymore. If you pee, I pee. Is that clear?
Quote: -he's big & he plays football, & he'll kick the shit out of you!
-his name wouldn't be Steve, would it?
-how did you know his name?
-turn on the patio light
Quote: Can I be the helpless victim?...Okay let me try. Please don't kill me, I wanna be in the sequal.
Quote: Gale holds the gun firm, in total control.

I've got an ending for you. The reporter
left for dead in the newsvan comes to,
stumbles upon you two dipshits, finds the
gun, fumbles your plan, and saves the day.

Sidney steps forward.

I like that ending.

Billy lunges at Gale, but she holds steady. Billy and Stu eye each other.

Quote: Principle Himbry - Damn little shits
Janitor - What did you call me
Principle Himbry - Not you Fred
Quote: Its the millenium, motives are incidental!!
Quote: I never thought I'd be so happy to be a virgin!
Quote: If I'm right about this, I could save a man's life. Do you know what that would do for my book sales?

Quote: Look, Kenny, I know you're about fifty pounds overweight, but when I say hurry, please interpret that as MOVE YOUR FAT TUB OF LARD ASS NOW!
Quote: Look, Kenny, I know you're about fifty pounds overweight, but when I say hurry, please interpret that as MOVE YOUR FAT TUB OF LARD ASS NOW!
Quote: Watched some movies, took some notes, It was fun!
Quote: 1.You know I've always had a thing for you Sid 2. In your dreams.
Quote: Maybe it was liver alone, haha liver alone! Get it? Liver alone...ah, it was a joke..liver...
Quote: I just wanted to know who I was looking at.
I said I just wanted to know who I was talking to.
Quote: God, I loved it. Bam! Bitch went down! Bam! Sid! Superbitch!
Quote: We all go a little mad sometimes.
Quote: That women was a slut bad whore who flashed her shit all over town like she was Sharon Stone or soemthing. Yeah we put her out of her misery cause let's face it Sidney, your mother weas no Sharon Stone.
Quote: Gale Weathers:Remembered the safety that time, bastard.
Quote: 'Watching movies doesn't create psychos. Watching movies makes psychos more creative!'
Quote: Your mother was a slut bag whore who flashed her shit all over town like she was sharon stone.
Quote: Think about it. Her mother's death leaves her disturbed and hostile, in a cruel and inhumaine world. She's dillusional, where's God, etc, completely suicidal. One day she snaps, she wants to kill herself but realizes, teen suicide is out this year, and homicide is a much healthier theriputic expression.
Quote: Sid: How do yuo gut someone?
Stu: You take a knife and you slit them from groin to sternum.
Billy: It's called tact you fuckrag.
Quote: I'll send you a copy, Bam bitch went down. I'll send you a copy Bam sid superbitch. Your so cool!
Quote: Sid: so who are you? Caller: The question isn't who am it's where am i. Sid: So where are you? Caller: Youre front porch! Sid:why would you be calling from my front porch? Caller: that's the original part. Sid: oh yeah? well i call youre bluff.
Quote: Sidney: I havnt seen billy around, is he really pissed? Stu:what after you planted him the candy man, no his heart's broken! Tatum: stupidity leak!
Quote: Watch a few movies, take a few notes...it was fun.
Quote: God I loved it! I'll send you a copy. BAM! Bitch went down. I'll send you a copy, BAM, Syd, Superbitch! You are so cool!
Quote: If you hang up on me you'll die just like your mother...Do you want to die ******? Your mother sure didn't...
Quote: [Answers phone] 1)Hello? 2)What's that noise? 1)Popcorn. 2)You're making popcorn? 1)Uh-huh! 2)I only eat pocorn when I watch movies. 1)Well I'm getting ready to watch a video. 2)Really? What? 1)Oh, just some scary movie. 2) Do you like scary movies? 1)Uh-huh. 2)What's your favorite scary movie? 1)Um, I don't know. 2)You have to have a favorite, what comes to mind? 1)Um, Halloween! You know, the one with the guy in the white mask who stalks babysitters.
Quote: Hu-stingy, we've got a problem here.
Quote: Billy:We're gonna rip you up you bitch. Just like your fucking mother.
Sidney:You gotta find me first you pansey asss momma's boy!
Quote: Whatch a few movie take a few notes.... it was fun!!!!
Quote: BILLY: Your mom strutted her stuff all over town like she was sharon stone
STU: And Lets face it Sid, your mother was no sharon stone

DEWY: He's my superior
TATUM: Janitor's your superior

Don't you know you should never ask whos there...you might as well go outside to investigate a strange noise or something

GAIL: Jesus, the camera
KENNY: My name isn't Jesus...

GAIL: Guess I remembered the saftey that time you bastard

Quote: You should never say whos there dont you watch scary movies. Its a death wish, might aswell come out here to investigate a strange noise or something.
Quote: Everybody dies but us, we carry on and plan the sequal, cause lets face it baby these days ya gotta have a sequal.
Quote: There's always some bullshit reason to kill your girlfirend
Quote: Stu:would you look at this place it's like christmas. Tatum: Stupidity leak
Quote: Billy- Life's all one great big movie, only you cant pick your genre.
Quote: 1) Can you tell me anything? 2) Yeah, you're a real pain in the ass! Leave Syd alone!
Quote: 1) God dammit, Dewey! 2) What'd Mom tell you? When I wear this badge you treat me like a man of the law. 1) I'm sorry Deputy Dewey- boy but it's time to go. 2) That was my superior! 1) The janitor's your superior.
Quote: He's big, and he plays football, and he'll kick the shit out of you!!
Quote: In the scene when Randy says look behind you the killer is about to kill him Sidney sees him almost get killed and then later she
doesn't trust him over Stu
Quote: Randy: do you think sid will go ut with me?
Stu: HAHA hehehehehe hohohoho no i dont at all no!!
Quote: stu da cool wicked luvly person: watched a few films take a few notes IT WAS FUN
Quote: My mom and dad are going to be so mad at me!
Quote: 1: Did you really call the police? 2: You bet your sorry ass i did. 1: My mom and dad are gonna be so mad at me!!!
Quote: You take a knife and slit 'em from groin to sternum
Quote: How do you know my dimwitted inexperience isn't merely a subtle form of manipulation used to lower peoples expectations thereby enhancing my ability to effectivly manuever within any given situation?

Quote: Rule number one - you can never have sex. That's a big no-no.
Quote: let's face it Sid, you're mother was no Sharon Stone!
Quote: Please dont kill me mister ghost face I wanna be in the seqeul!
Quote: Randy: And Don't Ever Say You'll Be Right Back.. Because You Won't Be Back.. You'll Be Dead. Stu: Hey.. You Want Another Beer? Randy: Uh.. Yeah.. Sure. Stu. I'LL BE RIGHT BACK.... OoOohHh..
Quote: My mom and dad are gonna be so pround of me!
Quote: How would you like to have a girlfriend who's sexually anorexic?
Quote: its a screamer!
Quote: There's a formula to it! A very simple formula! Everybody's a suspect!
Quote: We All Go Alittle Mad Sometimes.......Anthony perkins psyco
Quote: Liver alone!
Quote: Ya' see Sid, everybody dies but us, everybody dies but us. We get ta' carry on and plan the sequal. 'Cause let's face it baby, these days you gotta' have a sequal.
Quote: We're gonna play a little
game. It's called GUESS WHO JUST

Quote: BILLY:
I thought she was dead.

She looked dead. Still does.

Quote: Maternal abandonment causes
serious deviant behavior. It certainly
fucked you up. It made you have sex with
a psychopath.

Quote: Yeah, we just watched a few movies. Took
a few notes. It was fun.

Quote: No, Jamie. Look behind you! Watch out!
Behind you!

Quote: People treat me like the Antichrist of
television journalism.

Quote: Listen up. They found Principal Himbry
dead. He was gutted and hung from the
goal post on the football field.

Quote: Why can't I be a Meg Ryan movie? .....Or even a good porno.

Quote: (1)It's like Jodie Foster in
kept having flashbacks of her dead father.

But this is life. This isn't a movie.

Sure it is, Sid. It's all a movie. Life's
one great big movie. Only you can't
pick your genre.

Quote: Tell me, Kenny, has a cheesy tabloid
journalist ever won the Pulitzer?

Quote: And what movie is this from? I SPIT ON

Quote: She's the Scream Queen.
Quote: Billy and his penis don't deserve you.
Quote: STU:
Why would he want to kill his own

There's always some stupid bullshit
reason to kill your girlfriend. That's
the beauty of it all. Simplicity.
Besides, if it's too complicated you lose
your target audience.

Quote: You can't prove a rumor. That's why it's
a rumor.

Quote: I just turned 25. I was 24 for a whole

Quote: Your mom left town, she's not in
a coffin somewhere.

Quote: Understand what? That I got a girlfriend
who would rather accuse me of being a
psychopathic killer than touch me.

Quote: How does it feel to almost be brutally

Quote: TATUM: I knew this guy was too perfect. He was
destined to have a flaw.

Quote: It's
always some stupid killer stalking some
big breasted girl-who can't act-who
always runs up the stairs when she should
be going out the front door.
Quote: ...I wanna swing by BLOCKBUSTER
and get us a video. I was thinkin' Tom Cruise in
ALL THE RIGHT MOVES. You know, if you
pause it just right you can see his penis.

Quote: They don't know. Dewey said this is
the worst crime they've ever seen.
Even worse than...
(stopping herself)
Well it's bad.
Quote: No, no. I wouldn't dream of breaking your
underwear rule.
Quote: BILLY: And I was home, bored, watching
television, THE EXORCIST was on
and it got me thinking of you.

Oh it did?

Quote: Randy: Here are the three things to surviving a horror movie.
1. No sex.
2. No beer.
3. Never ever say ya'll be right back cuase ya won't be back.

Quote: Alright asshole, I'll see you in the kitchen with a knife.
Quote: Stuart 'Stu' Macher: Did you really call the cops?
Sidney Prescott: You bet your sorry ass I did.
Stuart 'Stu' Macher: My mom and dad are gonna be so mad at me!
Quote: casey: look, i am two seconds away from calling the police!
phone voice: they never make it in time.

Quote: movies don't create psychos. movies make psychos more creative!

Quote: Girl1:She was never attacked, I think she made it all up.
Girl2:Why would she lie about it.
G1:For attention, the girl has some serious issues.
What if she did it. What if she killed Casey and Steve.
G2:Now why would she do that.
G1:Maybe she has the hots for Steve and killed them both in a jealous rage.
G2:What would she want with Steve, she has her own bubble butt boyfriend Billy.
G1:Maybe she's a slut just like her mother.
G2:You're evil!
G1:Please! It's a common fact, her mother was a tramp.
G2:Cut her some slack she watched her mom get butchered.
G1:Yeah and if fucked her up royally! Think about it...Her mother's death leaves her disturbed and hostile in a cruel and inhumane world. She's dillusional, where's God, etc., completely suicidal and one day she snaps and wants to kill herself but she realizes teen suicide is out this year and homicide is a much healthier, theraputic expression.
G2:Where do you get this shit!?
G1:Ricki Lake.
G2:You are pathetic!

Quote: its corn syrup they used it for blood in carrie
Quote: did you put her liver in the mail box?? right next to her spline i herd you put her liver in the mailbox
Quote: i mean, you can only hear the richard gere gerbil story so many times before you believe it
Quote: no, please dont kill me mr. ghostface man. i wanna be in the sequel.
Quote: whats your favorite scary movie
Quote: 1)so what about you? whats your motive? 2) peer presure
Quote: ya know, i always had a thing for ya sid
Quote: ahhh. you hit me with the phone DICK
Quote: we all go a little mad sometimes. anthony hopkins-psycho
Quote: You've seen one too many movies yu sick fuck!
Quote: That's the wrong answer!
Quote: What's the point they're all the same, some stupid killer stalking some big-breasted girl who can't act and is always running up the stairs when she should be running out the front door, it's insulting.
Quote: Stu, Stu, what's your motive? Billy's got one, the police are on their way, what are you gonna tell them?....Peer pressure, I'm far too sensitive
Quote: If you were the only suspect in a senseless bloodbath-- would you be standing in the horror section?
Quote: Movies don't create psychos. Movies make psychos more creative.
Quote: Why don't you liver alone, liver alone get it!
Quote: You guys are insane, actually we perfer the term Physcotic
Quote: Would you settle for PG-13 relationship?
Quote: 1;Hello
2;Who is this?
1;Well, who are you trying to reach?
2;What number is this?
1;Well, what number are you trying to reach?
2;I don't know.
1;Well, I think you have the wrong number.
2;Do I?
1; It happens. Take it easy.
Quote: Her mothers death leaves her disturbed and hostile in a cruel and inhuman world...shes delusional..wheres god..ect..completely suicidal..then one day she snaps...she wants to kill herself but she realizes that teen suicide is out this year and homicide is a much healthier theraputic expression...
Quote: I'm sorry that my traumatized life is an inconvenience to your perfect existence!
Quote: she wants to kill herself but then she realizes that teen suicide is out this year and homicide is a healthyer theraputic expression where do u get this shit ricki lake you are pathetic
Quote: Liver alone!
Quote: Dont you blame the movies...movies dont create psychos, movies make psychos more creative!
Quote: this is the time when the killer comes back for a last revenge. (shot) Not in my movie.
Quote: Turn on the patio light
Quote: never say you'll be right back because you know you wont
Quote: Liver alone!!
Quote: Stu was a pussy ass wet rag! And Billy Loomis, Billy Loomis! What the fuck! What a rat looking, homo repressed mama's boy!
Quote: Yo im sooooooo buff i got it coverd
Quote: I'll send you a copy. BAM bitch went down. I'll send you a copy. BAM..Sid superbitch! Wow, you are so cool.
Quote: Billy to Stu- Its tact, you fuckrag.
Quote: If you were the only suspect in a senseless bloodbath, would you be standing in the horror section?
Quote: This whole thing feels like something out of a Wes Carpentar movie
Quote: Billy:We all go a little mad sometimes.Anthony perkins psycho.Um corn syrup.Same thing they use for pigs blood in carrie
Quote: Bam! Bitch goes down. Bam! Sid, Super-Bitch!
Quote: 1. Just think, if they make a movie about this, who would play you? 2. I see you as a young Meg Ryan myself. 3. Thanks, but with my luck they'd get Tori Spelling.
Quote: Syd: i like what you did with your voice Randy its sexy. Killer: well thanks exept theres one problem. Syd: oh and whats that? killer: IM NOT RANDY!
Quote: thats not very nice, you better LIVER ALONE!!!!!
Quote: Scary night isn't it? With the murders and all it's like right out of a horror movie or something.
Quote: I'm afraid that was a wrong answer. - You tricked me. - Lucky for you there's a bonus round, but poor Steve, I'm afraid he's out.
Quote: I'm sorry, that's the wrong answer. - No it's not, no it's not. It was Jason.- Afraid not. No way. -Listen, it was Jason I saw that movie 20 goddam times!!
Quote: Listen I'm about 2 seconds away from calling the police. - They'd never make it in time. We're out in the middle of nowhere.
Quote: Listen asshole..- NO, you listen you little bitch, you hang up on me again and I'll gut you like a fish!
Quote: You never told me your name.- Why do you want to know my name?- I want to know who I'm looking at.- What did you say?- I want to know who I'm talking to. - That's not what you said.
Quote: I'm sorry, I guess I dialed the wrong number.- So why'd you dial it again?- To apologize.
Quote: What do you want?- I want to see what your insides look like!!
Quote: Your slut mother was fuckin' my father. She's the reason my mother moved away and abandoned me. How's that for a motive?
Quote: My Mommy and Daddy are going to be sooo mad at me!!
Quote: No please, don't kill me mister ghostface! I wanna be in thr sequel!
Quote: Sydney: Stu, Stu, Stu, what's your motive? Billy's got one, the police are on their way, what are you gonna tell them?
Stu: Peer pressure, I'm far too sensitive.
Quote: Randy: See, the police are always off track with this shit. If they'd watch Prom Night they'd save time. There's a formula to it. A very simple formula--Everybody's a suspect!!!!!
Quote: Randy: If you were the only suspect in a senseless bloodbath-- would you be standing in the horror section?
Quote: Tatum: God, I loved it! I'll send you a copy, BAM! Bitch went down. I'll send you a copy, BAM! Syd, super-bitch! You are so cool.
Quote: Tatum: Stupidity Leak!
Quote: Tatum: God dammit, Dewey!
Dewey: What'd Mom tell you? When I wear this badge you treat me like a man of the law
Quote: Gail Weathers: Look, Kenny, I know that you're about fifty pounds overweight, but when I say hurry, please interpret that as MOVE YOUR FAT TUB OF LARD ASS NOW!

Quote: Killer: What is your favorite scary movie?
Sidney: Oh come on, you know I don't watch that shit.
Killer: Why not? Too scared?
Sidney: No. No, it's just what's the point? There all the same: some stupid killer stalking some big breasted girl, who can't act, who's always running up the stairs when she should be going out the front door, it's insulting!
Quote: Tatum: Fuck you, nutcase. Where were you last night?
Randy: Working, thank you.
Tatum: At the video store? I thought they fired your sorry ass.
Randy: Twice.
Quote: Sidney: How do you gut someone?
Stu: You take a knife and slit 'em from groin to sternum.
Billy: Hey, its called tact you fuckrag.
Quote: Do you like scary movies Sydney?
Quote: Quit stabbin so deep man. Im feelin a little woosy man. I think I'm dyin.

The quotes above are distinct quotations from the associated movie.

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