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Movie Quotes

Poltergeist Quote(s)

Quote: This house is clean.
Quote: Are you afraid of burglars, or are you trying to attract every insect in Queste Verde?
Quote: I am addressing the living?
Quote: I don't know what hovers over this house, but it was strong enough to punch a hole into this world and take your daughter away from you.
Quote: Dian - TV People?
Carolane - Uhuh.
Quote: Dian - TV People?
Carolane - Uhuh.
Quote: All are welcome. All are welcome. Cross over Epititom. There is peas and Serenity pads in the light.
Quote: All are welcome, all are welcome. Cross over children. There is peace and serenity in the light.
Quote: I am addressing the living...
Quote: She passed right through me! I felt her! (Smells her sweater) I can smell her!!
Quote: She came right through me!
Quote: It is a light that implies light and memory of love, home and earthly pleasures. Something they desperately desire but can't have anymore. Right now, Carol Anne is the closest thing to that, and that is a terrible distraction from the real light that has finally come for them.
Quote: There is peace and serenity in the light.
Quote: 1)Help me tie this around my waist.
2) What do you think you're doing?!
1) I'm going in after her!
2) She won't come to you! Let me go!
1) You've never done this before!
2) Neither have you!
1) You're right. You go!

Quote: This house is clean.

Quote: They're here.

Quote: It lies to her. It tells her things only a child can understand. To her, it simply is another child. To us, it is The Beast.

Quote: There is no death. It is only a transition to a diferent sphere of conscienceness.
Quote: I got beat up once by three kids. They took my lunch money. Maybe they got hit by a truck, and they're upstairs right now.

Quote: Carol Ann: They're Here!
Quote: you moved the gravestones but you didn't move the bodies!!! you didn't move the bodies!!!!!!
Quote: don't forget to push your chairs in after you're done!!!!
Quote: 1) What are you doing? 2) I'm going in after her! 1) She won't go to you. I'm her mother, I'll go! 2) You've never done this before! 1) Neither have you! 2) ...You're right, you go!
Quote: Now clear your minds. It knows what scares you. It has from the beginning.
Quote: Now reach back into our past, when you used to have an open mind. Remember that? Okay. Just try to use that for the next couple of minutes, okay?
Quote: Tweety, couldn't you have waited for school day?

The quotes above are distinct quotations from the associated movie.

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