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Movie Quotes

Fright Night Quote(s)

Quote: Charley:That bastard! Well,why didnt he tell us there was gonna be a pop quiz?!? Evil Ed: Thats the pints to a pop quiz Brewster,to surprise you.
Quote: Yeah, sure, and I'm Dirty Harry.
Quote: If this is your idea of a joke, I am not amused.
Quote: Your friend needs a psychiatrist, not a vampire killer.
Quote: 1. But Mr. Vincent you said you BELIEVED in vampires! 2. I, LIED!!
Quote: Of course now that I've been made welcome I'll probably drop by quite a bit...in fact...any time I feel like it...with your mother's kind permission of course...
Quote: Yeahh...then he'd be able to suck his way through the entire town!...Not that it would be much of a loss...
Quote: Ah! Mr. Vincent! I've seen all of your films...and I found them...very amusing!
Quote: That wasn't the only murder...but the second in TWO days...and get this...both of'em had their heads chopped off...can you believe it?
Quote: Do you realize how much trouble you caused me? Disturbing my sleep! Telling policemen about me!
Quote: you have to have faith, for this to work on me...mr.vincent
Quote: and who are these two...attractive, young people?
Quote: Evil Ed: The master will get you for this! But not fast, SLOWLY, OH SO SLOWLY!
Quote: Evil Ed: Yeah that's the second murder in two days. And get this, they both had their heads chopped off!
Quote: You promised you wouldn't let them get me charlie! You promised!!!
Quote: Charlie:Amy, you're not gonna believe this but they're carrying a coffin. Amy: And their on the moores right?
Quote: Evil Ed:MMMM, MMMM, MMMM....His Dinner Is In The Oven!
Quote: AMY: Cut it out Evil, it's not FUNNY.
Quote: I've been fired because nobody wants to see vampire or vampire killers anymore all they want are demented men going around in ski masks hacking up young virgins
Quote: So
Remember by jerry dandrige
Quote: Welcome to Fright Night...for real!
Quote: There are no such things as vampires fruitcake
Quote: Oh, you're so COOL, Brewster!

Quote: Charley Brewster:That bastard! Why didn't he tell us there was going to be a pop quiz?
Evil Ed Thompson: That's the point of a pop quiz, Brewster... to surprise you.

Quote: I am Peter Vincent, vampire killer!

Quote: You gotta have faith, old man, for that thing to work on me!
Quote: Welcome to (name of movie).....For real.
Quote: A big hickey

The quotes above are distinct quotations from the associated movie.

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