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Movie Quotes

Final Destination 2 Quote(s)

Quote: kimblery see's a truck driver turn up a beer bottle on the truck it says drive responsibley Kimblery: yeah that's real responsible.
Quote: I mean how can you strangle yourself in the bathtub?
Quote: Do you know how much fucking weed I got on me!!?
Quote: can we find the pregnant lady now?
Quote: Kimberly Corman: You mean you don't keep it loaded?
[officer Burke opens gun chamber and sees the six bullets]
Eugene: [sobbing]
Rory: they're all duds...
Burke: Six in a row? no way, that's impossible!

Quote: Kimberly Corman: Dad, it's Daytona not Somalia.
Mr. Corman: alright, iso-flats, road flares, sun block, mace...
Shaina: Condoms, whips, chains...
Quote: Kimberly Corman: There's gonna be a huge accident! Everybody's gonna die!
Quote: Nora: Hello?
Burke: Nora!
Nora: Who is this?
Burke: Nora? Can you hear me?
Nora: O-Officer Burke? I can't hear you! What?
Eugene: What? What's he saying?
Burke: Nora, a man with hooks is gonna kill you.

Quote: Kat: see this can't be happening because my career's at a peak, I finally met a quality guy, I just bought a house...
Rory: maybe if you shut the fuck up, we'll live.
Kat: yea, like I'm gonna take advice from you.
Quote: Rory: No I don't wear a seatbelt... what you gonna bust me bitch?

Quote: [while using the Jaws of Life, he is told to not make so much noise]
Rescue Worker: I'll just set it on quiet.

Quote: Kimberly Corman: Were all going to die.
Quote: Clear Rivers: Being alive after we were supposed to die caused an outward ripple. A RIFT IN DEATHS DESIGN!
Eugene: So, If you hadn't gotten off the plane, we wouldn't be alive to begin with.
Clear Rivers: YES! That's why death is working backwards. It's tying up all the loose ends, and sealing the rift once and for all.

Quote: Tim Carpenter}: If he gives me the gas and I wake up with my pants unbuttoned, we ain't payin'
Quote: Kimberly Corman: If Clear was right that means Nora and Tim are going to be killed by pigeons!
Quote: If I die, will you throw out my porno and my drugs. Just anything that will break my mums heart.
Quote: Can we find the pregnant lady now... please!
Quote: watch out for the man with the claws
Quote: Dano:Dude,Look at those titties!
Quote: you gonna bust me BITCH?
Quote: If he gases me, and I come out with my pants undone, we're not payin.
Quote: Clear Rivers to Kid smoking at gas pump: What are you thinking?!?!?
Kid: I'm thinkin' you suck on mah junk biatch!
Quote: Only new life can defeat death
Quote: people are always most alive right before they die. Dont ya think?
Quote: I hope your ready for this
Quote: Watch out for the signs
Quote: well, if you pu them on the list, they are already dead
Quote: (Person to rescue worker using the Jaws of Life): Don't make so much noise! Rescue Worker: I'll just set it on quiet.

The quotes above are distinct quotations from the associated movie.

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