Dog Soldiers Quote(s)
Quote: Hard-boiled or fried, Sarge? Quote: I am a professional soldier, when I singed my name on that dotted line, I fucking meant it. Quote: We are now up against live, hostile targets. So, if Little Red Riding Hood should show up with a bazooka and a bad attitude, I expect you to chin the bitch. Quote: --Hard-boiled or fried, Sarge?
--Scrambled. Quote: Sausages. Quote: This shit's gone from bad... to bone... to worse. Quote: laugh? i nearly shat! Quote: I am not breaking radio silence because my patrol was spooked by a dead flying fucking cow! Quote: you think it's all over *bang* it is now! Quote: ooooooooh, don't fowl her in the penalty box sarg Quote: have you licked your own balls yet Ryan? Quote: Little pigs,little pigs, we've come to nick your video Quote: Werewolves ate my platoon Quote: There is no spoon Quote: Spoon (in hand-to-claw combat with werewolf, when he realizes he is about to become werewolf chow): I hope I give you the shits, you fucking wimp!
The quotes above are distinct quotations from the associated movie.