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Scary Movie Reviews
Release Date: March 31st, 2006 (wide)
Length: 1 Hr. 36 Min.
Rated: R for strong horror violence and gore, and language.
Distributor: Universal Pictures Distribution
Starring: Michael Rooker, Elizabeth Banks, Gregg Henry, Nathan Fillion, Tania Saulnier

Directed by: James Gunn
Produced by: Marc Abraham, Thomas Bliss, Scott Niemeyer
Written by: James Gunn

Official Website


Reviewed by Scott Jeffries
Reviewer Rating:


When someone says slither, what is the first thing you visualize? A creepy, crawly slug that moves on the strength of its own juices and comes closer and closer.

Well, this movie is based on similar lines where your worst nightmare comes to life.

The story is set in a rural American town called Wheelsey where everyone knows everyone and it’s like one big family. A part of this family is Grant Grant (Michael Rooker) who manages to snag the college beauty Starla (Elizabeth Banks) and marries her. But Starla, after the honeymoon phase, starts despising her overeager husband’s advances. After a particularly annoying fight, Grant wanders into the local bar. Here, he comes across Brenda, who responds rather willingly to his charms. The two of them decide to go on a short walk and here they come across something…new. They see a meteor. When they step closer to investigate, something zooms out into the both of them.

After that, Starla sees a huge change in her husband. He began to meat like a lion - raw meat and his looks too underwent a change. Startled and horrified, she runs to the sheriff for help, who secretly loves her. So, for his long lost love, he gives her problem precedence over some of his own very pressing problems. You see, many of the townsfolk were dropping dead like flies.

As the movie progresses, you realize that an alien life form has taken over Grant and Brenda and while Brenda acts like the spawning machine for slug like alien babies who kill the town folk, Grant is the head of the aliens - they are all under him. The interesting part is that the dead people resurrect themselves and are transformed into deadly slug aliens.

Kind of reminiscent of Night of the Creeps, right? Well, James Gunn professes to have taken inspiration from the cult classic. But we ought to give him a beak. After a long time, a movie like Slither has come to life. It can be described as comedy/horror as there is a dry wit flowing throughout the film.

The best part about the film is the characters - they are very well fleshed out and the actors, after a long time, become the characters. You don’t see screen icons on display, you see ordinary townsfolk in the movie.

Also, talking about the technical aspect of the movie, it is well done, but not over the top. It is meant to be a trashy, B grade horror flick and it does not aspire or aim to be anything bigger than that. With a conscious effort, the film maker has tried to maintain the feel of the movie and special effects have not been used to make it look like a sci-fi thriller.

In our opinion, a good film which does not tax your brains and leaves you relaxed at the end of it.

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