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Aliens and UFOs Category Links
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Location Earth Dog Tags      Site Rank 327
In the event of alien abduction, Location Earth Dog Tags may save your life. Based on NASA research all the info needed to get home from outer space is included on this tag. Don't leave Earth without one.
0 vote(s)
Added: January 6th, 2006  |  Hits In: 4 Hits Out: 908  |  Report  |  Share  |  Rate  |  Save

Alien Pictures      Site Rank 0
Scary pictures of real aliens and even some real videos of aliens. Be prepared to be afraid.
6 vote(s)
Added: February 3rd, 2009  |  Hits In: 3 Hits Out: 1508  |  Report  |  Share  |  Rate  |  Save

Roswell Files      Site Rank 209
The story of the Roswell UFO Incident.
0 vote(s)
Added: October 20th, 2003  |  Hits In: 2 Hits Out: 939  |  Report  |  Share  |  Rate  |  Save

Alien Autopsy Faked or Fiction?      Site Rank 210
The step-by-step handbook how to make a alien autopsy.
0 vote(s)
Added: October 20th, 2003  |  Hits In: 2 Hits Out: 850  |  Report  |  Share  |  Rate  |  Save

Alien-UFOs.com      Site Rank 281
Award winning UFOs website with photographs, Roswell, Area 51, alien abductions, crop circles and conspiracy theories.
0 vote(s)
Added: March 13th, 2005  |  Hits In: 2 Hits Out: 869  |  Report  |  Share  |  Rate  |  Save

UFO Help Files      Site Rank 0
UFO Articles and scary historical facts about UFOS and ETS.
2 vote(s)
Added: April 26th, 2006  |  Hits In: 2 Hits Out: 1115  |  Report  |  Share  |  Rate  |  Save

Alien and UFO Pictures      Site Rank 0
A collection of real alien pictures and real UFO photos collected from around the world.
0 vote(s)
Added: August 22nd, 2006  |  Hits In: 2 Hits Out: 809  |  Report  |  Share  |  Rate  |  Save

UFO Fact      Site Rank 0
Photos and videos of ufos, Area 51, and sightings.
0 vote(s)
Added: January 5th, 2008  |  Hits In: 2 Hits Out: 1012  |  Report  |  Share  |  Rate  |  Save

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